Monday, September 13, 2010

photoshop ideas

I'm having quite a bit of difficulty figuring out the logistics of photoshop, but I do have a vision for my project, so I'm going to post some of my pictures/thoughts like others have before me :)

My medium is the Amazon Kindle, so, of course, my collage shall include an actual image of the product itself. This will be in the middle of the photo, laying in the palm of someone's hand.

I'd then like to put another, mechanical-looking arm at the top of the collage, emptying a bag or box of books of some kind, as if they're being poured into the kindle, to show that you can have so many texts that usually take up so much space in a small, singular, device. Improved technology, as the robotic arm indicates, has made this invention possible:

On either side of the Kindle, I'd like to put images of an airplane and train, as kindles are ideal for the frequent commuter, because it enables them to access any book they want, instead of lugging multiple books with them everywhere they travel to.

Also, somewhere on the finished collage I'd like to put photos having to do with recycling and the world, as kindles are "green" and have garnered international attention and use.

Once I get familiarized with photoshop and play around with its many effects and features, I really hope that my finished product comes out well and conveys the message I'm hoping to get across!

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