Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Photoshop Assignment-Complete

My finished portrayal of the Kindle's message and content is displayed in the above photoshop compilation. I chose a bunch of different images/photos to signify the content and messages of the Amazon Kindle as a current medium of technology. At the center of the image is the product itself, displayed in a person's hand, showing how tiny and portable the device itself is. At the top right hand corner of the collage, there is a paper bag emptying out books such as classics like The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird, Pride and Prejudice, etc. and pouring them into the kindle. At the bottom, on either side of the kindle itself are images of a plane and train, as kindles have very much transformed the travel experience of the commuter/frequent traveler. Frequent jet-setters and train-riders are perfect audiences for the kindle, as they have tons and tons of books available to them in the palm of their hands in a singular device. On the top left corner is a picture of the earth with the recycling symbol circling it, because kindles are "green" and good for the environment in that their existence leads to less paper usage and mass-production. I chose the futuristic, space background to signify the new technology embodied by the kindle. I think the kindle is a very futuristic, innovative invention, so the outer space theme fits the product. The aspects of the image above that most address the kindle's content are the actual photos of the kindle itself and the books that are being "poured" into it from the paper bag. However, the message of the device comes across in the images of the train, plane, recycle logo, etc. because kindles communicate a message of a more enjoyable commute/travel experience than a paperback book, and that by purchasing a kindle people are saving the environment (one online e-book at a time?!) The kindle's message is that it promotes an easy, more convenient lifestyle, enabling humans to think and behave in ways we might not have thought possible just a few years ago.

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